You’re running from project to meeting to event to the phone and email.   Your to-do list only seems to grow.  Resource allocation in nonprofits can be a constant battle.

What if you gave yourself a break?

What if you looked at your approach a little differently?  It’s really not so tough to do….but it depends on you.

Just this week, as I’m busier than I have been in months with really great work, I find myself needing to check my mindset and acknowledge there is only so much I can do.  It forced me to prioritize.  And guess what – I’m going to go run at the lake and make time for myself today.

I think this article by Kate Barr is really great –

She outlines the value of a ”cushion” in the effort to cut yourself some slack.

Enjoy…. “Can I have some more slack, please?”

(And remember – the powerful new video training “Building your Nonprofit Board – The Smart Way” is only going to be offered at the early bird rate for another 10 days!  Learn more here, and share….)
